• Контейнерные перевозки из Китая Азии и Северной Америки.

    Сравните наши цены с ценами конкурентов.
    Мультимодальные перевозки - все лучшее для наших клиентов.

  • на оформлении груза в Финляндии.

    Мы предлагаем Вам сэкономить на оформлении вашего груза 150 евро. Мы оформляем и декларируем ваш груз в Финляндии в системе TULLI совершенно бесплатно.

  • Мы замораживаем цены на международные перевозки.

    Ставка фрахта рассчитана по системе СОЛО. Цены Стабильны, Оптимальны, Логичны Обоснованны. Стабильность - цена не меняется в течении года. Оптимальность - лучшее соотношение цена + качество. Логичность - все подчинено потребностям клиента. Обоснованность - мы даем только рыночные цены.

Our Clients’ feed-back

On this web page you can find reviews of our customers who appreciate the convenience of working with the company "Solo Logistics". Regardless of the size of the client and the amount of traffic, we treat all our clients the same as for VIP-persons. We will arrange the shipment of goods from Europe.

We are aware that we do business in the global information space where any news spread with great speed. This places a special responsibility on us as full participants in the business community, motivates the correct conduct of business, preserving the transparency of operational processes and information transparency.

"Solo Logistics" LLC was organized in September 2010 as a company specializing in international road transport. Over the past three years we have managed to build a full service logistics company, established itself as a reliable business partner for all our customers, as well as a reliable partner for the 150 transportation companies with whom we closely cooperate and mutually (part of the review of transport companies can be found at Online ATI.su). We are pleased that our world is now getting wider.

To our great delight, we found like-minded people - companies that share our business principles, our values and relate to business partners as well as want to be treated!

We invite you, our potential client to join!

Our commitment to maximum transparency and willingness to provide as much information on demand, the ability to resolve any issues in working order, and finally, our impeccable reputation, that gives our customers confidence in the correctness of their choice

Our data

Ati.su our number 317021
Europages.com      OLO LOGISTICS LLC
Flagma.ru "Solo Logistic"

For objective reasons, we have placed on this page are only a small fraction of feedback from our customers.

For companies that wish to start working with us, we are willing to provide letters of recommendation, will help to contact the responsible staff and the management of those companies, which have been successfully working.

Оставить заявку на перевозку

Естественно, выбор всегда остается за клиентом. Мы постарались максимально честно рассказать о том, почему с нами надежно и безопасно. Решать вам, но если вы все же обратитесь в «Соло Логистик» — это будет правильное и разумное решение! С нами перевозки ваших грузов пройдут как по нотам.